Il Hong Tag

  • All
  • Annika Schlicht
  • Benjamin Reiners
  • CD/DVD-Publication
  • Enrico Delamboye
  • Felipe Rojas Velozo
  • Florian Ludwig
  • Igor Tsarkov
  • Il Hong
  • Ivan Repušić
  • Jochem Hochstenbach
  • Jonathan Winell
  • Julie-Marie Sundal
  • Kim-Lillian Strebel
  • Kristiane Kaiser
  • Martin Homrich
  • Media Annika Schlicht
  • Media Ivan Repušić
  • Media Jonathan Winell
  • Media Susanne Elmark
  • Media Thomas J. Mayer
  • Media Tomislav Mužek
  • Michael Schulz
  • News
  • Paula Iancic
  • Reviews
  • Reviews Annemarie Kremer
  • Reviews Elena Zhidkova
  • Reviews Florian Ludwig
  • Reviews Kim-Lillian Strebel
  • Reviews Matthias Wohlbrecht
  • Reviews Olivia Lee-Gundermann
  • Susanne Elmark
  • Theresa Pilsl
  • Thomas J. Mayer
  • Thomas Michael Allen
  • Uwe Schenker-Primus
  • Video

Wiener Staatsoper

Il Hong performances between December 2015 and February 2016 at the Vienna Stateopera: A Jailer (TOSCA) - December 2, 5 and 8 also on February 7 and 10 2nd Soldier (SALOME) -December 07 and 10 also on January 16, 19 and 21 Hans (UNDINE) - December 09, 14...

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Wiener Staatsoper – October

Il Hong sings Hans (UNDINE) and Orest´s tutor (ELEKTRA) at the Vienna Stateopera. Dates: UNDONE - October 17th, 19th and 29th ELEKTRA - November 13th, 17th, 21st and 25th...

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Wiener Staatsoper – September

Il Hong sings Marchese d'Obigny (LA TRAVIATA) and 2nd Strelitze (KHOVANSHCHINA) at the Vienna Stateopera. Dates: LA TRAVIATA - September 9th, 12th, 17th, 21st. KHOVANSHCHINA - September 20th, 24th, 27th, 30th....

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