Florian Ludwig Tag

  • All
  • Annika Schlicht
  • Benjamin Reiners
  • CD/DVD-Publication
  • Enrico Delamboye
  • Felipe Rojas Velozo
  • Florian Ludwig
  • Igor Tsarkov
  • Il Hong
  • Ivan Repušić
  • Jochem Hochstenbach
  • Jonathan Winell
  • Julie-Marie Sundal
  • Kim-Lillian Strebel
  • Kristiane Kaiser
  • Martin Homrich
  • Media Annika Schlicht
  • Media Ivan Repušić
  • Media Jonathan Winell
  • Media Susanne Elmark
  • Media Thomas J. Mayer
  • Media Tomislav Mužek
  • Michael Schulz
  • News
  • Paula Iancic
  • Reviews
  • Reviews Annemarie Kremer
  • Reviews Elena Zhidkova
  • Reviews Florian Ludwig
  • Reviews Kim-Lillian Strebel
  • Reviews Matthias Wohlbrecht
  • Reviews Olivia Lee-Gundermann
  • Susanne Elmark
  • Theresa Pilsl
  • Thomas J. Mayer
  • Thomas Michael Allen
  • Uwe Schenker-Primus
  • Video

Theater Hagen – Florian Ludwig

In the season 2016/2017 Florian Ludwig will conduct the new production of LE NOZZE DI FIGARO (premiere is on October 1, 2016), of TSCHICK (world premiere is on March 18, 2017) and of GESCHICHTEN AUS DEM WIENER WALD (premire is on June 24, 2017)....

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